Dr Bartosz Fabianowski
e-mail: bartosz@fabianowski.eu
phone: +49-231-2175885
Interactive Manycore Photon Mapping
PhD Thesis, Graphics, Vision and Visualisation Group, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin, January 2011.
Compact BVH Storage for Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping
In Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Ireland Workshop (EGIE 2009), pages 1-8, Dublin, Ireland, December 2009. Best Paper Award.
Interactive Global Photon Mapping
In Computer Graphics Forum 28(4), [EGSR 2009], pages 1151-1159, July 2009.
A Cost Metric for Scene-Interior Ray Origins
In Short Paper Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics 2009), pages 49-52, Munich, Germany, April 2009, Eurographics.
Sketching Complex Generalized Cylinder Spines
In Proceedings of the 26th Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI 2008), pages 270-276, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2008.
Toward 3D Selection and Skeleton Construction by Sketching
In Proceedings of the 8th Eurographics Ireland Workshop (EGIE 2007), pages 18-25, Dublin, Ireland, December 2007.
Efficient GPU-Based Multi-Modal Medical Volume Registration
Diploma (MSc equivalent) Thesis, Chair VII: Computer Graphics, Department of Computer Science, University of Dortmund, August 2006.
SIROH: A Cost Metric for Scene-Interior Ray Origins
In GV2 Poster Day, Dublin, Ireland, May 2009.